Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Shoulder Pain Treatment

1. Ice it

Generally speaking, shoulder pain is caused by inflammation of the tendons and ice is a natural remedy for inflammation. Ice brings relief by slowing down blood flow to the area. Apply ice to your hurt shoulder for 20 minutes and try to keep it elevated. Additionally, it’s a good idea to keep your hand behind your back because when the hand is behind the back the rotator cuff tendons come out from hiding underneath the shoulder bone. You can ice your sore shoulder 3 to 4 times a day.
Shoulder Pain Treatment
Shoulder Pain Treatment

2. Keep your elbow by your side

Keeping your elbow at your side when you have shoulder pain gives your shoulder a break. Using an arm sling or arm rest can be helpful for extreme pain, but are not recommended for an extended period of time.

3. Be mindful of your neck

Shoulder pain is often caused by neck problems. The shoulders and neck are closely connected and have an impact on each other. Some gentle neck stretches can help and are easily done at home. Getting rid of old pillows and mattresses can aid in decreasing neck and shoulder pain; new, thick pillow should provide more support.

4. Relieve stress

Getting to the root of your shoulder pain is key in helping get rid of it. Stress may be contributing to your pain. First try to give your shoulder a break from exercise and overbearing weight. Next try to review your daily habits such as posture, sleep positions, and other motions that may impact shoulder pain.

5. Play

Playing itsy bitsy spider is a gentle exercise that can help strengthen your shoulder and restore range of motion. Stand facing the wall and slowly crawl your hand up the wall like a spider. Keep your movements slow and controlled within the joint’s natural range of motion.

6. Strengthen your rhomboids

The muscles between your shoulders are called your rhomboids. They are essential for normal shoulder movements. Strong rhomboid muscles help hold your shoulders back, help support the weight of your arm, and enable you to reach, push, and pull effectively.

7. Warm up

Next time you are heading out with your grandchildren, use a heating pad to warm your shoulder, or do some gentle exercises. This will warm up your muscles for more exercise and increase circulation.

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